The Archangel’s Abode

Past exhibition

The Archangel’s Abode, a thousand years of history and creation at the Mont-Saint-Michel abbey

  • Monument opening times

  • No additional charge

  • All audiences

  • Exhibition presented in the abbey church of Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey


Discover the exhibition The Archangel’s Above, a thousand years of history and creation at the Mont-Saint-Michel abbey. This exhibition celebrates the thousand years anniversary of the Mont-Saint-Michel abbey church, founded by Hildebert II in 1023.

Rediscover the history and architecture of this monument, the fruit of centuries of construction, reconstruction and restoration.


The exhibition, curated by Mathilde Labatut, curator of historic monuments at the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de Normandie, and Brigitte Galbrun, curator of antiquities and objets d'art for the département de la Manche, brings together some thirty exceptional works of art and religious objects in the heart of the abbey church, shedding light on its history.

In the main staircase, then in the abbey church, discover the five sections of the exhibition:

  • Building on rock: the architectural challenge
  • The Mont-Saint-Michel abbey in classical times
  • Restoration and creation during the 19th century
  • The Founding Saint, relics and pilgrimage
  • A bishop, an architect and a goldsmith for exceptional finery